The following driver installers for Mac OS X have been updated so that they may be run either before or after installing Pro Tools 9 and subsequent updates:. JanuIssue Fixed: Installing some v9.0 device drivers after a Pro Tools 9.0.1 for Mac installation/update would prevent Pro Tools from launching. Updated Driver Installers for Pro Tools 9.0.1 on Mac OS X. ugin Fix v9.0 (Mac) for 003 and 002 Family. This plug-in is necessary for proper MIDI functionality on 002/003 interfaces. JanuThis fix will reinstall the ug-in that was inadvertently deleted when performing a Pro Tools 9.0.1 install or upgrade. If you download either of the Pro Tools 9.0.1 (or higher) installers after January 24, you do not need the ugin Fix v9.0 (Mac) for 003 and 002 Family. Update JanuIssue Fixed: The Pro Tools 9.0.1 Updater and Pro Tools 9.0.1 Full Installer for Mac OS X have been revised to resolve this issue and reposted to the website. Alert: 003 and 002 with Pro Tools 9.0.1 on Mac OS X. 003 Family and Digi 002 Family drivers are included with Pro Tools LE 8 Mac and Windows installation and 8.x updates Do not install on Pro Tools LE 8.x Mac systems (can be installed on LE 8.0.5 Windows, but not necessary. Support for Pro Tools 10.3 - Pro Tools 11 with 003 Console.
Support for Pro Tools 10.3 - Pro Tools 11 with 003 Rack.Digi 002 Console not supported (untested).Fixed: Enabling LLM mutes Input Signal on 003 Rack.Updated installer (10.3.3) adds Mountain Lion support.Added “Avid 002 and 003 Family” Control Panel in OSX System Preferences.Added support for Pro Tools 11 with 003 Rack and Console (Pro Tools 10 not supported).Mac OS X 10.9, 10.9.1 Mavericks support only.Tested with Avid-qualified Apple Computers ( details).Mac OS X 10.9.4 requires Pro Tools 11.2.1 or higher.Mac OS X 10.9.1 requires Pro Tools 11.1.2 or higher.
Mac OS X 10.9 requires Pro Tools 11.0.3 or higher.Mac OS X 10.9 - 10.9.4 Mavericks support only.Fixed an issue where enabling LLM would mute input signal with 003 rack and console with Pro Tools 11.Tested with Avid-qualified Apple computers.
Digi 002 Console and Rack not supported (untested).